El Fuerte to Hermosillo
The road from El Fuerte to El Carrizo is a great, narrow, back road through the desert foothills.
Truck drivers are striking in Ciudad Obrigon. The road is blocked by truckers holding big sticks. No trucks are allowed through without a lecture, it seems. However, they are very helpful at directing me to weave through the parked semi-trailers and ride along the sandy road shoulder for about a mile.
Arrived in Hermosillo and checked into an American style motel, not the pay by the hour variety.
Hermosillo to Tucson
Lots of highway. Crossed in Nogales. Canceling the temporary vehicle import permit was a breeze. Back n the US.
Tucson to Los Angeles
The road (111) from El Centro to Mecca, around the east side of the Salton Sea, is a great California road. I stopped at Niland, home to Salvation Mountain and Slab City. Another worthy pilgrimage destination like Watts Towers and Las Pozas. Salvation Mountain was built by Leonard Knight out of straw, mud, and a lot of paint.
Home, or 5,650 miles around Mexico without a flat tire.
The old bike and body made it home. On the best days I did not worry too much about the destination, it was either easily achievable or events conspired to make it unachievable. I tried to avoid expectations of what each day would bring. The times when I was, more or less, at the mercy of my surroundings, lost or broken down, a stranger reached out to help me. In the back of my mind was a thought I tried to suppress: When will I have the bad experience? It never happened. Many day's were hard, and at their end was a sense of accomplishment, but never an ugly or bad event.
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